Some context about programming journey
In 2022, I completed my 12th grade and was ready to join a college. I prepared for an entrance exam and got decent marks to get into a decent college. I joined JIIT Noida in September 2022; left it in December 2022 due to some reasons
At the start of 2023, I joined an online degree program, and looked forward to improving my skillset. I was introduced to and this was a game changing moment in my programming journey and this was my 2023.
Around February 2024, I got introduced to Functional Programming, and finally decided to go with Haskell. I plan to write another blog for this language.
Some context about job applications
During 2023, I applied at Internshala, which was a very bad experience for me. There were no replies from any of the companies. I started applying to big-tech companies, but I didn’t even get a reply. I got to know that there is a thing called University Hiring. I am a student of an online degree, so this was not for me. I was hugely disappointed.
I got introduced to Wellfound, possibly the best place to apply as you will get to work in startups and at least they reply (you can filter the responsive companies)
I was accepted in few startups, as a first step they give a assessment, which is basically making a mini project but just in 48 hours deadline. At least I had a closure, that I was not accepted because my project submission was not good !
Pazy to the rescue
I applied to Pazy despite in their job listing description “Only for 7th/8th semester students”. Luckily I was shortlisted in first round, and I had an short interview on call. I was scheduled with the first round interview :)
First round interview was about Project Discussion. The recruiter was in slight doubt, but I got the green light for second round interview.
Second round interview was about Technical Discussion. Thankfully, the recruiter also don’t really believe in DSA, so I was lucky again. He asked me questions about HTTP, Concurrency, System Design and etc.
2 days later, I had on boarding call ! I was offered a 3 month internship starting from 25 November 2024
Kickstarting at Pazy
I was really nervous. Its my first time working professionally. I started using the following things for the first time
- VSCode Git Client
- Slack
- Jira/ Confluence
- DBeaver / DataGrip
To escape VSCode, I explored the Emacs Church and came across Magit. I am trying to integrate it in my workflow…
We use nodejs at backend and wish we switch to Golang asap. I have convinced our CTO by banging the advantages of a statically typed language ><
The team at pazy is really helpful. Right from the onboarding call to all the team syncups; it feels like a family.
The product automatically grows if the team grows.
We are trying to create an wholesome, friendly, fast paced environment. I can say we sometimes miss robustness in our code but that comes with the expectations from a startup;
For me this is a learning experience. For me it will be amazing to be a core member of the engineering-team; but thats a goal & I have no idea what the future looks like.
I really like that the product team is amazing; They hold good deal of power; Product and Engineering syncups are always fun.
If you want to build a good product; get yourself a good product team !
If you rely on the backend team to build websites, you will have a login page like [this] ; Or the one you are reading this blog on :/
Lets talk about sales team; without them what the engineers are building will be just another side project. I just think they will be the coolest group to hangout with…
Lets not forget arguably the most important role I think is: Quality Assurance If they say its GTG, you are all well and good; if they aren’t satisfied- its time to cut a new branch and start working again.
I was first time introduced to this position; I had no idea about it. Now I think its like the CDM position in Football.
CDM is Central Defensive Midfielder; which basically provides the other midfielders and attackers to attack freely and provides the cover to the defense.
So the QA provides cover to us (Engineering Team) and provides freedom to the Sales Team to brag about the features !
Well thats what I can think of for now. I plan to write another blog with a title like 6 months at Pazy…
Hope you liked it and it was not boring…
Bye Bye ><